The full guide to MIUI on the Samsung Galaxy S

May 20, 2011 Chilling_Silence How-To's / Guides / Tech info

After my previous “Quick How-To MIUI for Galaxy S” post was such a success, I realized it wasn’t quite complete. I’d been flashing back and forth between other ROMs so much, that my process wasn’t quite complete

This fixes that!

I’ve flashed a total of 3 Galaxy S (Two i9000’s and one i9000T) this morning using this method. One of the i9000’s was 2.2, the other i9000 and the i9000T were 2.1-Update1. All successful!

So, let’s dive right on in and get flashing!

First things first, backup the Contacts, but NOT to Kies!

Go into your Contacts Application –> Press Menu –> Import / Export –> Export to SD Card
Even if you don’t have an SD Card, it will still save to the internal memory (Shows as /sdcard anyway). That’s fine, it shouldn’t be wiped.

Now is also the perfect time to backup your Angry Birds data with the apps from the Marketplace. Remember, you’ll also loose your saved WiFi networks, SMS messages, currently installed applications… Essentially you’re going back to a brand new phone. Contacts are the mots important thing, so make sure you do them, but NOT to Kies because you can no longer sync with Kies after the upgrade. Your images and things should be safe in the /sdcard directory, but I make no promises, so back it up to your PC just in case.

Next, install the drivers. 32-bit or 64-bit
These are needed otherwise Odin won’t recognise the device.

Now copy MIUI files (miuiandroid i900 and the english pack) to your phones internal memory: /sdcard

Windows 32-bit Drivers for the Galaxy S:
Windows 64-bit Drivers for the Galaxy S:
EZBase Files:
Or other EZBase mirror:
MIUI Files:
Radio that supports the 850Mhz AT&T / Telecom XT network (I use JV6) — Only needed if you’ve got the i9000T:

Then, shut your phone down.

Before plugging in the USB Cable (Sometimes it’ll try and power on automatically if it’s plugged in), enter into Download Mode by holding the Vol-Down + Home + Power buttons.


Now, we flash EZbase via EZOdin. This is a pre-rooted 2.2 ROM.
You want to use this PIT file: EZbase.pit
The PDA file: EZbase-PDA-XWJS3.tar.md5
The PHONE file: Leave this one blank – The new RADIO version is included with the current MIUI
The CSC file: EZbase-CSC-XXJV1.tar.md5

When it’s done, it’ll start to reboot. It’ll take its sweet time, but that’s fine.


Shut it down again when it’s powered on.

Now, whip the USB cable out and start the process of entering into Recovery (Similar to Download Mode):
Vol-Up + Home + Power
Note that this uses Vol-Up to get into Recovery Mode.

You’ll see ClockworkMod Recovery v2.5.1.0, it’ll be green text.
Now, go down to “Install zip from sdcard” using the Vol-Down, and select by quick-pressing the Power Button.
–> Choose zip from sdcard
–> Select “” (This is for the May 15th build)
It will flash MIUI Deodexed base.
–> Choose zip from sdcard
–> Select “” (The current English Pack for the May 15th Build)


Now choose “Go Back”, but before you “reboot system now”, be ready for the next part.
Straight away you want to go back into Recovery using Vol-Up + Home + Power!

This time, ClockworkMod v3.0.2.8 will be Orange
Now you want to flash it again, just like before. Do “”, then the english pack “”.
If you’re using the likes of the AT&T network (i9000T etc) then you want to flash the radio now as well.
When that’s finished, go back to the main ClockworkMod screen and “Wipe data / factory reset”.

IF you don’t re-flash MIUI from the newer ClockworkMod, you’ll get a Boot Loop. If you do, don’t panic, just go back into Recovery (You it needs to be the Orange text v3 ClockworkMod) and re-flash everything as-per the instructions.

That should be it! All done! It wasn’t too difficult now was it? 😀

If this has been of any help at all to you, please leave me a comment and just say Hi, or thanks


Android, Firmware, Galaxy S, gingerbread, i9000,

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