The end of the world, death by IPv4
Posted from my Cellphone:
All of the IPv4 addresses have been handed out by the main “keyholders” of the internet.
Does this mean the world as we know it will end?
Ive heard a very good example:
Think of it like the world has run out of 6-character numberplates. All the cars currently out on the road will still continue to function just fine.
There will still be some numberplates pre-allocated to most post-shops that can also be given out.
This is similar to the situation with IPv4 vs IPv6.
The main registry has given all the numbers out, but local regions still have thousands upon thousands remaining at this point in time.
On top of that, local Internet providers also usually have a decent sized “pool” of their own spare.
Its also worth noting that while most people get a “new” IPv4 address every time they go online, their old one is released back into your Internet providers “pool” of addresses so it can be reused by another customer.
Now, IPv6 can’t specifically talk directly to IPv4 and vice versa, however it is possible to employ certain “Gateways” that will pass traffic through from one to the other.
Not only that, but many devices are going to surface which can utilize both IPv4 as well as IPv6
What does this mean for you? Nothing really. Not yet at least, in New Zealand. Other parts of the world that are technologically growing more rapidly may have issues much sooner.
Still, the sky isn’t falling, its not the latest “Y2k bug”, and everything is going to be OK.
What it will mean is that over the next few years, Website owners, ISPs, and anybody who makes devices which use the internet will need to ensure they speak IPv6 as well as IPv4. Have the system try IPv6 and then if that fails try IPv4. Its not major and could “fall back” like that quite happily to a certain degree.
In the mean time, don’t worry too much, and if you’re a regular “consumer” then stay tuned for an update from your internet provider. It’s probably going to require a new router for many people, so you will KNOW when your device supports it. For the better part, ISPs can’t remotely update your device without you knowing.
If you run a domain / website, then your host should start thinking about helping you to support IPv6. If they’ve not already contacted you, perhaps now is a good time to get in contact with them and ask about their plans to support IPv6. If they have none, then pester them again in a month or two. If they still don’t, look at switching to somebody who takes things a little more seriously.
Feel free to comment if you want to know more, or think I could add anything. This article has been relatively simplified, for a non-technical audience.
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