political views

Should you pay more tax when you earn more?

November 8, 2011 Chilling_Silence Personal Rantings

So my last blog post got me thinking: Why is tax one of the few things where the more you get, the more you pay? Usually when purchasing things like PC Parts, food (such as meat), or things like Insurance, the more you get, the less it costs you. Quantities of scale. Tax is different. […]


2 Labour party, PAYE, political views, Politics, Tax,

Picking apart the ‘promises’ of this election

November 6, 2011 Chilling_Silence Personal Rantings

Disclaimer: I’m (apparently) quite a right-winged political supporter, though I’ve found that pretty much everything Colin Craig and the Conservative Party does seems to fit pretty darn closely to how I feel on social / political issues (Most of which my religion seems to heavily influence my feelings upon them also, as well as what […]


7 Elections 2011, Jobs, minimum wage, national debt, own our future,

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