Getting started with your Nexus 4 – Part 2 – Chatting
In Part 2 of this series, we’ll take a look at Chatting. You’ve got your notifications setup in the previous setup, now lets put them to good use and start having some fun chatting with some friends. There’s 3 chat methods that ship with the Nexus 4 (Excluding Email stuff etc) which we’ll look at, what […]
Leaving Facebook for Google+ (And why Facebook is “Broken”)
Cross-posted to Google+: I thought considering I’ve recently switched to using Google+ as my primary social network that I’d try using it as a blogging system as well. Makes sense seeing as most of the time my blogs are just rather long status updates, or tutorials on things. So, I’ve been angry with Facebook […]
Inviting people to Google+ during the BETA phase
So you’ve heard about Google+, somebody has been kind enough to invite you, now you wanna get your mates in on the action? Awesome! Well, it’s not much fun using social networking if you don’t have any friends on there to be social with, so I’ll show you how to get a few friends on. This […]
Just because something doesn’t have the kiss of Apple, doesn’t mean it’s doomed to failure
I’m *so* over all the moron commentators out there who write “news” articles, just to fill their quota of words for the week so they can get paid. It’s plain to see more and more often how little research actually goes in to articles, as the rush to be the first to “break the news” […]
Guide to your new Android phone – Things every new Android owner should know!
So you’ve just got yourself something like the Nexus One, HTC Desire, Motorola Droid or HTC Incredible (Just to name a few). You’re the proud owner of one of the coolest phones on the planet, largely due to the fact that it runs Android. I mean, let’s face it, it’s incredibly easy to find yourself […]
Importing a Nexus One – My experiences
Edit: The best phone in the world is now available direct from Vodafone NZ! This won’t help if you’re importing to use it with Telecom (XT), but if you are, then you can get it directly here: So I’ve recently imported a Nexus One. I live in New Zealand, and it’s not “officially” available […]
Why I upgraded my iPhone3G to a Nexus One running Android instead of the iPhone4
I’ve had my iPhone 3G for 1 month shy of 2 years now, and it’s been a brilliant phone. Admittedly I had it replaced after 3 months because the GPS on my first one was horribly inaccurate, however the whole replacement process was superb: Full phone replacement in under 2 hours of dropping the device […]
Well done Google, we know you care about the future of the web with your WebM Project (VP8)
Yes, it’s been announced as predicted: All I can say is well done Google, they’ve truly done the right thing and could have single-handedly helped to preserve the future of video on the web! They’ve also hit the ground running with a very impressive list of people backing the format, such as: nVidia Intel […]
Why VP8 matters
This post was made prior to the Google IO conference which is May 19 -> 20th, and as such things may change after this date. VP8 is potentially a game-changer in the realm of both streaming, High-Definition, and mobile video devices. It also has the potential to help in the killing of Adobe Flash, and […]