
Security – Android vs iOS

July 31, 2010 Chilling_Silence How-To's / Guides / Tech info

There’s been a fair amount of hype recently around the security of both operating systems, specifically in relation to the Android Market and Apples App Store. I’m going to take a quick look into both, look at the hype, look at the history, and hopefully clarify some things along the way.


0 Adobe, Android, Android Market, App Store, Flash,

Why VP8 matters

May 10, 2010 Chilling_Silence How-To's / Guides / Tech info

This post was made prior to the Google IO conference which is May 19 -> 20th, and as such things may change after this date. VP8 is potentially a game-changer in the realm of both streaming, High-Definition, and mobile video devices. It also has the potential to help in the killing of Adobe Flash, and […]


1 Adobe, Apple, Browsers, Compression, Flash,

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