SC VoIP002: Installing pdns-recursor in Elastix

July 5, 2010 Chilling_Silence Elastix.org Blog

Continuing with our screencasts, we have a short How-To on installing the Power DNS Recursor (pdns-recursor) package as a way of getting around certain DNS issues in Asterisk. When Asterisk loses connectivity, it can also affect the likes of PSTN fallback, not to mention Asterisk just outright behaves funny with DNS at times. The pdns-recursor […]


0 Asterisk, DNS, Elastix, pdns, pdns-recursor,

Google Wave is now available, and on your domain too!

May 26, 2010 Chilling_Silence How-To's / Guides / Tech info

Yes, that’s right, if you’re using Google Apps for your Domain, you can now enable Wave domain-wide! Best part is it’s totally free, and very easy to dive right in! Google Wave has been in private-beta status since Google I/O 2009, and one year later it’s being opened to the public. Google Wave is a […]


0 Custom URL, DNS, GAFYD, Google Apps, Google Wave,

Speed up your internet with OpenDNS

November 22, 2009 Chilling_Silence How-To's / Guides / Tech info

If the button says “Sweeeeet” then good on you for doing the right thing and using OpenDNS. If it says “Get Started” then read on!   What’s that you say? I can speed up my internet without doing anything? Surely not? Well you’re kind of right, technically we’re not going to “speed it up”, however […]


2 DNS, faster internet, Internet speed, OpenDNS, slow loading,

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