
Well done Google, we know you care about the future of the web with your WebM Project (VP8)

May 20, 2010 Chilling_Silence How-To's / Guides / Tech info

Yes, it’s been announced as predicted: All I can say is well done Google, they’ve truly done the right thing and could have single-handedly helped to preserve the future of video on the web! They’ve also hit the ground running with a very impressive list of people backing the format, such as: nVidia Intel […]


0 Apple, Chrome, Firefox, Google, Microsoft,

Opera 10.5 vs Chrome-5.0 Dev – Fastest browser on earth?

March 3, 2010 Chilling_Silence Product Reviews

So Opera 10.5 is out. Naturally I can’t just take somebodies word that it’s faster than Chrome, which I’ve been happily using for around a year now, so I’m giving it a good run for its money and posting right now from it. Now I’ve long since left Internet Explorer, way back probably almost a […]


8 Browser, Chrome, fastest browser on earth, Firefox, Internet Explorer,

ChromiumOS review, "Flow" by Hexxeh – Feb '10

February 20, 2010 Chilling_Silence Product Reviews

Well after a friend IM’d me saying “Wow you have to check out ChromiumOS”, naturally, I had to try it out. I’ve always been a Google fan, and when I initially heard of what they’re trying to do with ChromeOS, I was of course excited about the possibilities for Netbooks. Almost everything that I do […]


0 Browser, Chrome, ChromeOS, ChromiumOS, Firefox,

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