Site got hacked – Pictures and things missing

February 16, 2012 Chilling_Silence How-To's / Guides / Tech info

So I got hit by the bug in WordPress-3.3.0 and basically a little over a dozen sites of mine were hacked shortly after New Years Day this year. Got them all back up and running (What a PITA that was), but it means there’s no pictures coz I nuked all of them in my rush, as well as the backups that I had.

Here’s how I fixed it:

  • Move the folder so it’s not web-accessible
  • Extract a fresh copy of wordpress
  • Copy the wp-config.php file back across, but clear up the first line before you do which usually contains some exploit
  • Modify the rows such as “define(‘AUTH_KEY'”, and delete one char from each of the keys, and replace it with something else random. This prevents any cookies that may be saved from working.
  • Check your SQL — Chances are they’ve not bothered, coz they just wanna do a 301 “permanently moved” redirect, not piss around with your SQL.

Then you can slowly go about restoring the files from your wp-content directory, as well as themes etc…

It’s a pain, but I’ve found that to be the easiest / fastest way to do it.

hack, Wordpress,

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