Well done Google, we know you care about the future of the web with your WebM Project (VP8)

May 20, 2010 Chilling_Silence How-To's / Guides / Tech info

Yes, it’s been announced as predicted: http://webmproject.blogspot.com/2010/05/introducing-webm-open-web-media-project.html All I can say is well done Google, they’ve truly done the right thing and could have single-handedly helped to preserve the future of video on the web! They’ve also hit the ground running with a very impressive list of people backing the format, such as: nVidia Intel […]


0 Apple, Chrome, Firefox, Google, Microsoft,

Installing ADA (Asterisk Desktop Assistant) on Elastix

May 11, 2010 Chilling_Silence Elastix.org Blog

Formerly SnapANumber, ADA is now offered by Digium. However, the first thing that you’ll notice is that it was written for their Asterisk Business Edition. That’s great if you have ABE, but not so good if you’re one of the millions of installs out there that uses vanilla Asterisk. This guide presumes you already have […]


2 ADA, Asterisk, dialplan, digium, Elastix,

Why VP8 matters

May 10, 2010 Chilling_Silence How-To's / Guides / Tech info

This post was made prior to the Google IO conference which is May 19 -> 20th, and as such things may change after this date. VP8 is potentially a game-changer in the realm of both streaming, High-Definition, and mobile video devices. It also has the potential to help in the killing of Adobe Flash, and […]


1 Adobe, Apple, Browsers, Compression, Flash,

Migrating a windows user profile directory

May 7, 2010 Chilling_Silence How-To's / Guides / Tech info

Many times I’ve found myself wanting to do this, and only just recently learned how to. If you’ve disconnected from a Domain for example and are now part of a workgroup but want to retain your existing “setup”, or perhaps you’ve got yourself something like an EeePC 900 and your C: Drive is running out […]



Using the Patton SN4554 for ISDN with Elastix

May 6, 2010 Chilling_Silence Elastix.org Blog

For any business migrating to SIP, the Patton SN4554 is a brilliant way to bring two ISDN lines (4-channels) in to their new PBX system, especially considering you don’t have to break open your PBX Server to install a PCI card. This basic How-To shows you how to set it up to work with your […]


0 Elastix, ISDN, Patton, SN4554,

DIY FreeSWITCH & FreePBXv3 from LiveCD

April 23, 2010 Chilling_Silence How-To's / Guides / Tech info

This is a bit of a follow on from my previous post: http://chillingsilence.wordpress.com/2010/01/14/initial-thoughts-on-freepbxv3-and-freeswitch-vs-asterisk/ Everybody is starting to talk about FreeSWITCH as the next big PBX software (Amongst other things), and FreePBXv3 is shaping up to be a damn fine GUI. The more I use it, the more I start to like FreeSWITCH as a progression […]


19 Asterisk, Debian, FreePBX, FreePBXv3, FreeSWITCH,

How-To: Hotel Management System for Elastix

March 18, 2010 Chilling_Silence Elastix.org Blog

Two blog posts in 24 hours? We’re on a roll here! Based off PIAF’s Hotel Management System, we’re going to make some minor adjustments to have this work with Elastix. This is a brilliant Hotel Room Management system with the ability to restrict the calls from Ext’s when they are not checked in, per-second billing, […]


0 Asterisk, check in, check out, Elastix, Hotel Integration,

Linking systems via OpenVPN (No port-forwards needed on client-side)

March 17, 2010 Chilling_Silence Elastix.org Blog

Yes, this is the ultimate in remote access for your PBX systems! It’s also quite possibly the longest blog post ever! Imagine a client of yours happens to move their PBX, perhaps they are shifting premises (Without notifying you — Their prerogative I suppose). Now, with the change of ISP’s they’ve changed router and network […]


0 Elastix, OpenVPN, pptp, remote access, ssh,

Opera 10.5 vs Chrome-5.0 Dev – Fastest browser on earth?

March 3, 2010 Chilling_Silence Product Reviews

So Opera 10.5 is out. Naturally I can’t just take somebodies word that it’s faster than Chrome, which I’ve been happily using for around a year now, so I’m giving it a good run for its money and posting right now from it. Now I’ve long since left Internet Explorer, way back probably almost a […]


8 Browser, Chrome, fastest browser on earth, Firefox, Internet Explorer,

ChromiumOS review, "Flow" by Hexxeh – Feb '10

February 20, 2010 Chilling_Silence Product Reviews

Well after a friend IM’d me saying “Wow you have to check out ChromiumOS”, naturally, I had to try it out. I’ve always been a Google fan, and when I initially heard of what they’re trying to do with ChromeOS, I was of course excited about the possibilities for Netbooks. Almost everything that I do […]


0 Browser, Chrome, ChromeOS, ChromiumOS, Firefox,

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