Numpad doesn’t work in Gnome

December 11, 2010 Chilling_Silence How-To's / Guides / Tech info

So I’ve switched to Gentoo, and was highly frustrated to find my Numpad wasn’t working. The Enter key worked, as did the NumLock, but nothing else was. Really annoying when you’ve got mouse-buttons bound to them for gaming. Anyways, long story short, it’s thanks to accessibility (Grr…), and it’s easy to disable. Click on System […]


0 accessibility, Gnome, numpad,

Posting frequency

December 11, 2010 Chilling_Silence Personal Rantings

Lately I’ve been pretty quiet, I think I’m trying to write blog posts that are too lengthy and I never end up finishing them. There’s almost a dozen in my drafts. So, I figure, starting today, I’ll start posting more things that are much shorter, and straight to the point. Hopefully, I’ll be able to […]



Just because something doesn’t have the kiss of Apple, doesn’t mean it’s doomed to failure

October 21, 2010 Chilling_Silence How-To's / Guides / Tech info

I’m *so* over all the moron commentators out there who write “news” articles, just to fill their quota of words for the week so they can get paid. It’s plain to see more and more often how little research actually goes in to articles, as the rush to be the first to “break the news” […]


2 Android, Apple, Google, iOS, iPad,

Russell Peters on Racism

October 14, 2010 Chilling_Silence Personal Rantings

After everything thats gone on with racist comments lately, I found a video and thought I’d put it up here. It takes a very light-hearted look at things, especially after the Indians got so up-tight about the Governor General, then booed off an Indian NZ’er at a beauty pageant. Enjoy! (Video below the break)


0 Racism, Russell Peters,

Freedom of Speech in New Zealand – PC gone mad?

October 12, 2010 Chilling_Silence Personal Rantings

Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, please don’t take the below as gospel, and where matters of law are directly concerning you, please seek professional legal advice above mine. After the recent saga with Paul Henry over comments about the Governor General and Sheila Dikshit, then Michael Laws had to jump in and have his 2c […]


8 Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Speech, Hone Harawira, Human Rights, Michael Laws,

Replacing the stock Android keyboard

August 2, 2010 Chilling_Silence How-To's / Guides / Tech info

Yes! You can easily customize how your keyboard on your Android phone looks and feels. It’s incredibly easy and only takes a few minutes to do-so. I personally like the way this keyboard behaves with its text input, and word replacement suggestions! At the end of it all, you’ll have yourself some awesome looking keyboards […]


9 Android, Custom Keyboard, mod,

Security – Android vs iOS

July 31, 2010 Chilling_Silence How-To's / Guides / Tech info

There’s been a fair amount of hype recently around the security of both operating systems, specifically in relation to the Android Market and Apples App Store. I’m going to take a quick look into both, look at the hype, look at the history, and hopefully clarify some things along the way.


0 Adobe, Android, Android Market, App Store, Flash,

Guide to your new Android phone – Things every new Android owner should know!

July 24, 2010 Chilling_Silence How-To's / Guides / Tech info

So you’ve just got yourself something like the Nexus One, HTC Desire, Motorola Droid or HTC Incredible (Just to name a few). You’re the proud owner of one of the coolest phones on the planet, largely due to the fact that it runs Android. I mean, let’s face it, it’s incredibly easy to find yourself […]


0 Android, Android Market, Google, HTC Desire, iOS,

On political opinions, ignorance and cowards

July 19, 2010 Chilling_Silence Personal Rantings

Warning: This is a completely personal post, my own thoughts and feelings, and largely digresses from the semi-professional tone of most of my others. There are also no pictures, sorry. Now, I’m an activist, and I’ll freely admit it. Not in the traditional poster-protester style, but I will gladly debate anything I feel I know […]


2 employment, facebook, mass-education, Opinions, Politics,

DIY: Tax Refunds in NZ, without the middleman taking a cut

July 8, 2010 Chilling_Silence How-To's / Guides / Tech info

EDIT: Updated for 2011 So the end of financial year rolled around a while ago. I thought “What a great chance for me to check my taxes”, considering I’d not been employed half the year. I’m glad that I did! I was entitled to a rebate. Now, I could just use a service like I […]


1 IRD, PAYE, PTS, Tax, tax refund,

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