Intro to NFC – Part 1 :: What is NFC?

February 27, 2012 Chilling_Silence How-To's / Guides / Tech info

I’m personally betting NFC will be pretty major in 2012, and just because down here in little old NZ we’re a bit behind the curve, I’m betting it’ll be big in 2013 for us too. I think there is HUGE potential to do a lot with NFC, and I can’t wait to see how it […]


3 Android, Galaxy Nexus, Mobile payment, Near Field Communications, NFC,

Passing on the dialled number ID in Asterisk

February 23, 2012 Chilling_Silence How-To's / Guides / Tech info

So I had a problem recently where the phone number that I was dialling wasn’t being passed on to the destination. In otherwords: I call 0800 83 83 83 (Pretend here, I don’t really work for Pizza Hut). My asterisk box picks up and says “Oh hai, you want Pizza Hut on 0800 83 83 […]


0 Asterisk, called number, calling id, dialplan, dnis,

Getting started with VDSL2

February 16, 2012 Chilling_Silence How-To's / Guides / Tech info

So, I got fed up with the crappy speeds from Slingshot, that and it’d been 8 weeks since I’d heard back from them, even though I knew the Ops Manager was gonna be on holiday (That’s still a long holiday), so now we’d figured out that my second Naked DSL connection was working, I switched […]


0 ADSL2+, Broadband, Hosting Direct, internet, Slingshot,

Site got hacked – Pictures and things missing

February 16, 2012 Chilling_Silence How-To's / Guides / Tech info

So I got hit by the bug in WordPress-3.3.0 and basically a little over a dozen sites of mine were hacked shortly after New Years Day this year. Got them all back up and running (What a PITA that was), but it means there’s no pictures coz I nuked all of them in my rush, […]


3 hack, Wordpress,

Summary of Android fragmentation

February 11, 2012 Chilling_Silence Product Reviews

It’s a word that gets thrown around a lot in the media circles when describing Android devices. Usually it’s by die-hard Apple fans, or simply people who’ve heard it and thought that the word sounds cool and makes them appear smart. There was huge outcries when the (currently) latest Android-4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich was announced […]


3 Android, Fragmentation, iOS, iPhone,

Install VMWare ESXi 4 to USB Drive, or to HDD without a CD Drive

November 10, 2011 Chilling_Silence How-To's / Guides / Tech info

So I’ve got a newish PC here that I want to setup with VMWare ESXi. The down side is that I can’t seem to get it to boot off a USB CD-ROM drive, and I don’t have any SATA DVD Drives handy to pop in. Thankfully, I’ve managed to find a relatively easy way to […]


0 booting, cdrom, dvd, esxi, usb,

Should you pay more tax when you earn more?

November 8, 2011 Chilling_Silence Personal Rantings

So my last blog post got me thinking: Why is tax one of the few things where the more you get, the more you pay? Usually when purchasing things like PC Parts, food (such as meat), or things like Insurance, the more you get, the less it costs you. Quantities of scale. Tax is different. […]


2 Labour party, PAYE, political views, Politics, Tax,

White console screen in VMWare

November 8, 2011 Chilling_Silence How-To's / Guides / Tech info

I’ve recently come across an insanely annoying bug in VMWare. I’m not entirely sure of the steps to replicate it. For me, I was lucky enough to have several VMWare Hosts & Clusters that I could test against at the time when this arose. Basically, the general gist is the “Console” screen of any Virtual […]


0 esx, esxi, remote server, virtual machines, vmware,

Picking apart the ‘promises’ of this election

November 6, 2011 Chilling_Silence Personal Rantings

Disclaimer: I’m (apparently) quite a right-winged political supporter, though I’ve found that pretty much everything Colin Craig and the Conservative Party does seems to fit pretty darn closely to how I feel on social / political issues (Most of which my religion seems to heavily influence my feelings upon them also, as well as what […]


7 Elections 2011, Jobs, minimum wage, national debt, own our future,

Leaving Facebook for Google+ (And why Facebook is “Broken”)

September 23, 2011 Chilling_Silence Personal Rantings

Cross-posted to Google+: I thought considering I’ve recently switched to using Google+ as my primary social network that I’d try using it as a blogging system as well. Makes sense seeing as most of the time my blogs are just rather long status updates, or tutorials on things. So, I’ve been angry with Facebook […]


0 Circles, facebook, Google, Mauricio Freitas, News Feed,

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