Quick and Easy QoS with Tomato
SIP combined with Elastix is nothing short of amazing. Cost savings, flexibility, functionality, and I’ll say it again: Cost savings! When deploying Elastix to use SIP over ADSL (for example), many find their existing Broadband connection does not quite provide satisfactory call quality, usually due to sharing the connection with other traffic. We will follow […]
Is Big Time really worthwhile?
(26/12/2009) Edit 2: It seems that Telecom are truly trying their best with this plan, and the few employees I’ve spoken who have anything to do with Big Time and its implementation are almost zealous about making it the best possible plan that they can! They’ve even been watching the likes of geekzone, gpforums, pressf1, […]
Testing from iPhone
This is just a quick test post from my iPhone. Sadly I noticed my first scratch on the screen after almost 18 months. Gutted as. All things considered it’s been pretty darn good, hard to scratch (not that I’ve actively tried), and I figure I’ll get an upgrade in June so I think I’ll just […]
Intro to the blog
Just a quick post to test a few things out, and you can expect a few more tech posts within the next few days. I think I’ll quite possibly cross-post everything I do on elastix.org here (Provided they’re cool with that), and I’ll be posting How-To’s, diagnostic details, general rantings & ramblings amongst other things […]