Personal Rantings
Even more router reliability reflections, 4 years on
Wow so it’s been 4 years since my last “Router reliability” thoughts, and so much has changed in the landscape, yet so much has stayed the same too. There’s still the problem of downright terrible routers being hocked off by ISP’s, left, right & center for free under the guise of “valued at $299”, when […]
Googles Nexus 7 in danger of failure? Yeah right!
So I was linked to an article written earlier today by a journalist who both *clearly* suffers from a case of “I’ve only ever been an Apple dude” and has absolutely no idea about anything else on the market right now shy of the iPad. Go have a bit of a read for yourself: After […]
More router reliability musings
Following on from my earlier post last month on “Router reliability musings“, I recently did some additional “testing”, and figured now was a good time to post a follow-up. You see, I was a bit concerned about routers, specifically for anything more than a basic one or two PC household. Where are you left when […]
Router reliability musings
Having been asked a number of times in the recent weeks about routers and modems for both ADSL2+ and VDSL2, I figured it was time to revisit the subject. I wrote about it some 2 1/2 years ago now, and unfortunately not a lot has changed. ISPs are still giving out cheap routers by and […]
Ads on the site
So, I’m trialling some small advertising on the blog here. I get enough hits that I figured I’d see if I could capitalize on it a little, cover the cost of the hosting and the domain maybe. Hopefully it’s not too annoying, we’ll see where I go with it in the long run. I’ve also […]
Site got hacked – Pictures and things missing
So I got hit by the bug in WordPress-3.3.0 and basically a little over a dozen sites of mine were hacked shortly after New Years Day this year. Got them all back up and running (What a PITA that was), but it means there’s no pictures coz I nuked all of them in my rush, […]
Should you pay more tax when you earn more?
So my last blog post got me thinking: Why is tax one of the few things where the more you get, the more you pay? Usually when purchasing things like PC Parts, food (such as meat), or things like Insurance, the more you get, the less it costs you. Quantities of scale. Tax is different. […]
Picking apart the ‘promises’ of this election
Disclaimer: I’m (apparently) quite a right-winged political supporter, though I’ve found that pretty much everything Colin Craig and the Conservative Party does seems to fit pretty darn closely to how I feel on social / political issues (Most of which my religion seems to heavily influence my feelings upon them also, as well as what […]
Leaving Facebook for Google+ (And why Facebook is “Broken”)
Cross-posted to Google+: I thought considering I’ve recently switched to using Google+ as my primary social network that I’d try using it as a blogging system as well. Makes sense seeing as most of the time my blogs are just rather long status updates, or tutorials on things. So, I’ve been angry with Facebook […]