How-To's / Guides / Tech info
Guide to your new Android phone – Things every new Android owner should know!
So you’ve just got yourself something like the Nexus One, HTC Desire, Motorola Droid or HTC Incredible (Just to name a few). You’re the proud owner of one of the coolest phones on the planet, largely due to the fact that it runs Android. I mean, let’s face it, it’s incredibly easy to find yourself […]
DIY: Tax Refunds in NZ, without the middleman taking a cut
EDIT: Updated for 2011 So the end of financial year rolled around a while ago. I thought “What a great chance for me to check my taxes”, considering I’d not been employed half the year. I’m glad that I did! I was entitled to a rebate. Now, I could just use a service like I […]
Installing FreePBXv3 in Elastix-2.0 RC3
Yes it’s surprisingly easy, and yes you too can have it today! This is still very much a work-in-progress, as we’re merging two unfinished products and I’ve not had enough of a chance to test it thoroughly either so I’m hoping for some response from the community on this one. I think this is quite […]
Importing a Nexus One – My experiences
Edit: The best phone in the world is now available direct from Vodafone NZ! This won’t help if you’re importing to use it with Telecom (XT), but if you are, then you can get it directly here: So I’ve recently imported a Nexus One. I live in New Zealand, and it’s not “officially” available […]
SC VoIP002: Installing pdns-recursor in Elastix
Continuing with our screencasts, we have a short How-To on installing the Power DNS Recursor (pdns-recursor) package as a way of getting around certain DNS issues in Asterisk. When Asterisk loses connectivity, it can also affect the likes of PSTN fallback, not to mention Asterisk just outright behaves funny with DNS at times. The pdns-recursor […]
SC VoIP001: Securing the default Elastix WebGUI passwords
Starting off a new line of Screencasts, we have the first one on securing the default Elastix WebGUI passwords. This may seem obvious but many people only do *half* the job, leaving their system totally wide open when they port-forward TCP 443 so it’s publicly accessible. See for yourself by going to your Elastix system […]
Offsite differential nightly backups for Elastix
It’s happened to everybody at some time or another, you wish you could go back to yesterdays system. You make a change and delete some IVR menu you shouldn’t have but can’t remember how it was setup so you can’t recreate it. The built-in Elastix Backups is great, but only if you remember to do […]
Billing for Helpdesk-style inbound calls with A2Billing
When you want to on-bill “customers” of any description for Calls, A2Billing really is the best solution. Having investigated several others, it appeared that A2Billing was not only incredibly flexible, but extensible, and should be able to do just what I need. The problem lies in getting it setup. Considering this wasn’t a “standard” request, […]
Google Wave is now available, and on your domain too!
Yes, that’s right, if you’re using Google Apps for your Domain, you can now enable Wave domain-wide! Best part is it’s totally free, and very easy to dive right in! Google Wave has been in private-beta status since Google I/O 2009, and one year later it’s being opened to the public. Google Wave is a […]
Well done Google, we know you care about the future of the web with your WebM Project (VP8)
Yes, it’s been announced as predicted: All I can say is well done Google, they’ve truly done the right thing and could have single-handedly helped to preserve the future of video on the web! They’ve also hit the ground running with a very impressive list of people backing the format, such as: nVidia Intel […]