How-To's / Guides / Tech info
The amendments to the Copyright Laws
This will be a brief but hopefully informative post aimed at people of all technical levels. Recently the Government has pushed through some changes to certain laws in New Zealand under urgency. Disagree with their rushing / reasoning, that’s fine, I do to, but this post will hopefully help you to know where you stand. […]
Removing XP Home Security 2011 / 2012 malware
NOTE: This malware comes under many similar names, they pretty much all do the same thing, some marginally worse than others. Removal is easy and straight-forward either way. EDIT: Added XP Home Security 2012 updated info. The newer ones are getting more and more clever at hiding! Unfortunately I’m still not sure where this sneaky […]
The end of the world, death by IPv4
Posted from my Cellphone: All of the IPv4 addresses have been handed out by the main “keyholders” of the internet. Does this mean the world as we know it will end?
Installing MIUI
MIUI is a great alternative firmware to the likes of CyanogenMod. I was a long-time user of CyanogenMod 6, contributing in the forums, donated etc, but I gave MIUI a whirl one day and it had me hooked! It’s fast, real fast! My battery life seemed to increase quite significantly using it also, which really […]
LOTRO (Lord of the Rings Online) in Linux with Wine and LotroLauncher
Turns out the other game that I play, LOTRO, also works well in Linux. It took a bit of messing around to get setup, but not too much. I already had the offline installer, 11GB High-Res version, from about 3 months ago when I first started playing. It was easy to get installed, but then […]
Warcraft III in Gentoo Linux – Crashes in bnet
So I ran Ubuntu a while ago and knew it could work fine using the latest Warcraft 1.24e, but for some reason in Gentoo every time I would sign in to it would accept my password and then just as the screen would start to “pull down” from the top, WC3 would bomb out […]
Numpad doesn’t work in Gnome
So I’ve switched to Gentoo, and was highly frustrated to find my Numpad wasn’t working. The Enter key worked, as did the NumLock, but nothing else was. Really annoying when you’ve got mouse-buttons bound to them for gaming. Anyways, long story short, it’s thanks to accessibility (Grr…), and it’s easy to disable. Click on System […]
Just because something doesn’t have the kiss of Apple, doesn’t mean it’s doomed to failure
I’m *so* over all the moron commentators out there who write “news” articles, just to fill their quota of words for the week so they can get paid. It’s plain to see more and more often how little research actually goes in to articles, as the rush to be the first to “break the news” […]
Replacing the stock Android keyboard
Yes! You can easily customize how your keyboard on your Android phone looks and feels. It’s incredibly easy and only takes a few minutes to do-so. I personally like the way this keyboard behaves with its text input, and word replacement suggestions! At the end of it all, you’ll have yourself some awesome looking keyboards […]
Security – Android vs iOS
There’s been a fair amount of hype recently around the security of both operating systems, specifically in relation to the Android Market and Apples App Store. I’m going to take a quick look into both, look at the hype, look at the history, and hopefully clarify some things along the way.