Elastix.org Blog
Installing FreePBXv3 in Elastix-2.0 RC3
Yes it’s surprisingly easy, and yes you too can have it today! This is still very much a work-in-progress, as we’re merging two unfinished products and I’ve not had enough of a chance to test it thoroughly either so I’m hoping for some response from the community on this one. I think this is quite […]
SC VoIP002: Installing pdns-recursor in Elastix
Continuing with our screencasts, we have a short How-To on installing the Power DNS Recursor (pdns-recursor) package as a way of getting around certain DNS issues in Asterisk. When Asterisk loses connectivity, it can also affect the likes of PSTN fallback, not to mention Asterisk just outright behaves funny with DNS at times. The pdns-recursor […]
SC VoIP001: Securing the default Elastix WebGUI passwords
Starting off a new line of Screencasts, we have the first one on securing the default Elastix WebGUI passwords. This may seem obvious but many people only do *half* the job, leaving their system totally wide open when they port-forward TCP 443 so it’s publicly accessible. See for yourself by going to your Elastix system […]
Offsite differential nightly backups for Elastix
It’s happened to everybody at some time or another, you wish you could go back to yesterdays system. You make a change and delete some IVR menu you shouldn’t have but can’t remember how it was setup so you can’t recreate it. The built-in Elastix Backups is great, but only if you remember to do […]
Installing ADA (Asterisk Desktop Assistant) on Elastix
Formerly SnapANumber, ADA is now offered by Digium. However, the first thing that you’ll notice is that it was written for their Asterisk Business Edition. That’s great if you have ABE, but not so good if you’re one of the millions of installs out there that uses vanilla Asterisk. This guide presumes you already have […]
Using the Patton SN4554 for ISDN with Elastix
For any business migrating to SIP, the Patton SN4554 is a brilliant way to bring two ISDN lines (4-channels) in to their new PBX system, especially considering you don’t have to break open your PBX Server to install a PCI card. This basic How-To shows you how to set it up to work with your […]
How-To: Hotel Management System for Elastix
Two blog posts in 24 hours? We’re on a roll here! Based off PIAF’s Hotel Management System, we’re going to make some minor adjustments to have this work with Elastix. This is a brilliant Hotel Room Management system with the ability to restrict the calls from Ext’s when they are not checked in, per-second billing, […]
Linking systems via OpenVPN (No port-forwards needed on client-side)
Yes, this is the ultimate in remote access for your PBX systems! It’s also quite possibly the longest blog post ever! Imagine a client of yours happens to move their PBX, perhaps they are shifting premises (Without notifying you — Their prerogative I suppose). Now, with the change of ISP’s they’ve changed router and network […]
iLBC vs g729 — The quick guide to using compressed codecs in Elastix
Updated Sept 2011 for Elastix-2.* and Asterisk-1.6+ as well as the broken links since Google seems to have taken over GIPS We all know that g711 (alaw / ulaw) is meant to sound the best. It’s uncompressed and equivalent quality to ISDN, which most businesses are used to with their traditional PABX System. However, it […]
Quick and Easy QoS with Tomato
SIP combined with Elastix is nothing short of amazing. Cost savings, flexibility, functionality, and I’ll say it again: Cost savings! When deploying Elastix to use SIP over ADSL (for example), many find their existing Broadband connection does not quite provide satisfactory call quality, usually due to sharing the connection with other traffic. We will follow […]